12:3-37 - Prior acts relating to leases and grants of riparian lands to municipalities for streets, highways, parks and other public purposes
12:3-37. Prior acts relating to leases and grants of riparian lands to municipalities for streets, highways, parks and other public purposes
The following acts are saved from repeal:
a. L.1889, c. 199, p. 322 (C.S. p. 4393, s. 31), entitled "A further supplement to "An act to ascertain the rights of the state and of the riparian owners in the lands lying under the waters of the bay of New York and elsewhere in the state,' approved April eleventh, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and the several supplements thereto," approved April nineteenth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine.
b. L.1901, c. 28, p. 54 (C.S. p. 4393, s.s. 32, 33), entitled "A supplement to an act entitled "A further supplement to "An act to ascertain the rights of the state and of riparian owners in the lands lying under the waters of the bay of New York and elsewhere in the state," approved April eleventh, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and the several supplements thereto,' and which said supplement was approved April nineteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine," approved March seventh, one thousand nine hundred and one.
c. L.1903, c. 202, p. 387 (C.S. p. 4397, s.s. 41 to 43), entitled "A further supplement to "An act to ascertain the rights of the state and the riparian owners in the lands lying under the waters of the bay of New York and elsewhere in the state,' approved April eleventh, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four," approved April eighth, one thousand nine hundred and three.
d. L.1914, c. 136, p. 237 (1924 Suppl. s. 178-46a), entitled "A further supplement to "An act to ascertain the rights of the state and the riparian owners in the lands lying under the waters of the bay of New York and elsewhere in the state,' approved April eleventh, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four," approved April eighth, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen.
e. L.1914, c. 228, p. 474 (1924 Suppl. s. *136-2240A(1) ), entitled "An act to authorize the riparian commissioners of the state of New Jersey to grant lands of the state now or formerly under tidewater to municipalities for street and park purposes, and impose terms upon such municipalities as conditions of such grant," approved April seventeenth, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen.
f. L.1915, c. 398, p. 760 (1924 Suppl. s.s. 178-46b, 178-46c), entitled "A further supplement to "An act to ascertain the rights of the state and the riparian owners in the lands lying under the waters of the bay of New York and elsewhere in the state,' approved April eleventh, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four," approved April twenty-third, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen.
g. L.1920, c. 283, p. 509 (1924 Suppl. s. *42-16), entitled "A supplement to an act entitled "An act creating a department to be known as the board of commerce and navigation, and vesting therein all the powers and duties now devolved by law, upon the board of riparian commissioners, the department of inland waterways, the inspectors of power vessels, and the New Jersey harbor commission,' approved April eighth, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen," passed April twenty-first, one thousand nine hundred and twenty.
[The above acts authorize the board of commerce and navigation to grant, lease or rent lands under water to municipalities, and under the act saved from repeal in paragraph "g" above, to the state highway commission or to counties, for streets, highways, parks, docks, wharves and other public purposes; regulate the consideration for such grants and leases and specify the conditions to be set forth therein.]