12:3-23 - Lease or grant to persons other than riparian owners; notice to riparian owners
12:3-23 Lease or grant to persons other than riparian owners; notice to riparian owners.
12:3-23. The Tidelands Resource Council, with the approval of the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, may lease or grant the lands of the State below mean high-water mark and immediately adjoining the shore, to any applicant or applicants therefor other than the riparian or shore-owner or owners, provided the riparian or shore-owner or owners shall have received six months' previous notice of the intention to take said lease or grant such notice given by the applicant or applicants therefor, and the riparian or shore-owner or owners shall have failed or neglected within said period of six months to apply for and complete such lease or grant; the notice herein required shall be in writing and shall describe the lands for which such lease or grant is desired, and it shall be served upon the riparian or shore-owner or owners personally; and in the case of a minor it shall be served upon the guardian; in case of a corporation upon any officer performing the duties of president, secretary, treasurer or director, and in the case of a nonresident owner the notice may be by publication for four weeks successively at least once a week in a newspaper or newspapers published in the county or counties wherein the lands are situate, and in case of such publication, a copy of such notice shall be mailed to such nonresident owner (or in case such nonresident owner be a corporation, then to the president of such corporation, directed to him at his post-office address, if the same can be ascertained, with the postage prepaid); but nothing contained in R.S.12:3-21 to R.S.12:3-25 shall be construed as repealing, altering, abridging, or in any manner limiting the provisions and power conferred upon the Tidelands Resource Council and the Commissioner of Environmental Protection by R.S.12:3-19 and R.S.12:3-20.
Amended 2009, c.40, s.8.