12:3-19 - Establishment of bulkhead and pier lines around islands in tidewaters
12:3-19 Establishment of bulkhead and pier lines around islands in tidewaters.
12:3-19. The Tidelands Resource Council, with the approval of the Commissioner of Environmental Protection and after consultation with the Army Corps of Engineers, shall, from time to time, fix and establish, around or in front of all islands, reefs and shoals situate in the tidal waters of this State, exterior lines in said waters, beyond which no pier, wharf, bulkhead, erection or permanent obstruction of any kind shall be made or maintained, and also the interior lines for solid filling in said waters, beyond which no permanent obstruction shall be made or maintained other than wharves and piers and erections thereon for commercial uses; provided, however, that no exterior line around or in front of any such island, reef or shoal shall be fixed and established in front of any riparian grant which was made prior to February tenth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, unless such exterior line shall be fixed and established, after consultation with the Army Corps of Engineers, at such distance as will, in the judgment of the Tidelands Resource Council, leave sufficient waterway in front of said grants for navigation, and when the council shall have so fixed and established said lines after consultation as aforesaid, it shall file a survey and map thereof in the Office of the Secretary of State, showing the lines for piers and solid filling so fixed and established.
Amended 2009, c.40, s.5.