Section 384:66 Inducement Check Disclosure.
No financial institution subject to the provisions of this chapter pursuant to RSA 384:1 shall induce any potential borrower who is not a loan customer of the financial institution to enter into a closed-end loan agreement, by delivering in the first instance a negotiable check for such loan to such potential borrower, without including the following information clearly printed on the endorsement side of the check:
   I. A statement which reads, ""By endorsing this check, you become legally liable for repaying all moneys, including interest, as specified in the following loan agreement/disclosure statement;''
   II. The amount financed;
   III. The annual percentage rate;
   IV. The number of installments; and
   V. The amount of each installment payment.
Source. 1997, 239:2, eff. Jan. 1, 1998.