Section 384:65 Banks Authorized to Invest Trust Funds in Affiliated Investments.
   I. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, and in addition to any authority granted by RSA 564-B, any bank, as defined in RSA 384:57, II, authorized to exercise trust powers in this state, is authorized while acting as a fiduciary to purchase for the fiduciary estate, directly from underwriters or distributors or in the secondary market:
      (a) Bonds or other securities underwritten or distributed by such bank or an affiliate thereof or by a syndicate which includes such bank or affiliate, provided that such bank discloses in any written communication or account statement reflecting the purchase of such bonds or securities the nature of the interest of such bank or affiliate in the underwriting or distribution of such bonds and securities and whether such bank or affiliate received any fee in connection with such purchase; and
      (b) Securities of any investment company as defined under the federal Investment Company Act of 1940 for which such bank or affiliate acts as advisor, distributor, transfer agent, registrar, sponsor, manager, shareholder servicing agent, or custodian, provided that such bank discloses in any written communication or account statement reflecting the purchase of such securities the nature of the relationship and whether such bank or affiliate received any fee for providing such services.
   II. The authority granted in paragraph I of this section may be exercised only if:
      (a) The investment is not expressly prohibited by the instrument, judgment, decree, or order establishing the fiduciary relationship;
      (b) The bank discloses in writing to the person or persons to whom it sends account statements its intent to exercise the authority granted in paragraph I prior to the first exercise of such authority; and
      (c) The bank procures in writing the consent of its cofiduciaries with discretionary investment powers, if any, to the investment.
   III. A bank, acting as a fiduciary pursuant to RSA 384:65, I, may:
      (a) Invest in the securities of an investment company or investment trust, to which such fiduciary or its affiliate provides services in a capacity other than as trustee, such as advisor, distributor, transfer agent, registrar, sponsor, manager, shareholder servicing agent, administrator, or custodian, and such investment is not presumed to be affected by a conflict between personal and fiduciary interests if the investment complies with the prudent investor standard pursuant to article 9 of RSA 564-B.
      (b) Be compensated by the investment company or investment trust for providing services in a capacity other than as trustee, such as advisor, distributor, transfer agent, registrar, sponsor, manager, shareholder servicing agent, administrator, or custodian, if the fiduciary at least annually notifies each person to whom it is required to send account statements under RSA 564-B:8-813 of the rate and method by which the compensation was determined.
   IV. Nothing in this section shall affect the degree of prudence which is required of fiduciaries under the laws of this state. Any bonds or securities purchased under authority of this section shall have sufficient liquidity and investment quality to satisfy the principles of fiduciary investment and the terms of the instrument, judgment, decree, or order establishing the fiduciary relationship.
   V. Notwithstanding paragraphs I-IV, no bank authorized to exercise trust powers in this state which is acting as a fiduciary shall purchase for the fiduciary estate any fixed income or equity security issued by such bank or an affiliate thereof, unless the bank is expressly authorized to do so by the terms of the instrument creating the trust, a court order, the written consent of the grantor of the trust, or the written consent of the qualified beneficiaries of the trust, as defined in RSA 564-B:1-103.
Source. 1997, 175:1. 2002, 78:1, 2. 2004, 130:4, eff. Oct. 1, 2004. 2006, 320:4, eff. Aug. 19, 2006.