Section 384:64 Disclosure of Fees for Use of Electronic Customer Service Terminals.
   I. The owner or operator of an electronic customer service terminal located in this state shall not charge a fee for the use of such terminal unless the amount of the fee is disclosed clearly and conspicuously:
      (a) On a sign posted on the electronic customer service terminal or in clear view of a customer while viewing the electronic customer service terminal; or
      (b) Electronically during the course of the transaction in a manner that permits the user to cancel the transaction without incurring the fee.
   II. The owner or operator of an electronic customer service terminal shall not be required to include in a disclosure under paragraph I any fee that a financial institution or other company may charge the user under separate agreement with the user for engaging in such transaction.
   III. For the purposes of this section, ""electronic customer service terminal'' means any terminal, machine, or device, including but not limited to an automated teller machine, remote service unit, or point-of-sale device, which dispenses cash or its equivalent to a user or enables a user to engage in any electronic financial transaction involving an account of the user at any financial institution or other type of company.
Source. 1996, 10:1, eff. June 1, 1996.