Section 384:36 Reports of Proscribed Activity.
Institutions subject to this chapter shall file with the bank commissioner copies of reports required by the provisions of section 208.62 of the Federal Reserve Board's Regulation H (12 CFR 208.62), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation regulations Part 353 (12 CFR 353.1 et seq.), and National Credit Union Administration regulations section Part 748.1(c) (12 CFR 748.1(c)) as may be amended from time to time. Reports required by this section shall be filed with the bank commissioner at the same time such reports are filed with the institution's federal regulators. A financial institution subject to this section, and any director, officer, employee or agent of such financial institution, that files a report pursuant to this section shall be protected from liability for any disclosure contained therein. All reports filed with the commissioner under this section shall be confidential and shall not be subject to subpoena or to the requirements of RSA 91-A, except that the commissioner shall provide copies of such reports upon request to the New Hampshire department of justice, criminal bureau.
Source. 1963, 145:1. 1979, 441:1. 1999, 66:1, eff. May 28, 1999.