Section 383:9 Duties.
   I. The commissioner shall have general supervision of all banks (except national banks), trust companies, building and loan associations, credit unions, Morris plan banks, small loan companies, and other similar institutions in the state. He shall examine into the condition and management of all such institutions at least every 18 months with the exception of highly rated institutions provided for in RSA 383:9-d, and more often when necessary in his judgment or when so directed by the governor. He may regulate the buying or selling of securities by savings banks for officers, employees, or customers. He shall assign to the deputy commissioner and the assistants appointed under RSA 383:7 such of his duties as he sees fit.
   II. The commissioner shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to the duties assigned him by paragraph I.
Source. RS 140:22. GS 152:4, 5. GL 166:4. 1889, 12:2; 55:2. PS 162:6. 1925, 143:7. PL 259:7. 1929, 176:1. RL 307:8. RSA 383:9. 1981, 173:3. 1985, 55:4, eff. April 23, 1985.