Section 422:2 Purpose.

It is hereby declared that the purpose of this chapter is to further the public interest by:
   I. The revision of existing statutes relative to aviation in order to centralize all aeronautical activities in a single state agency authorized to participate in any activity essential to progress in aeronautics.
   II. Making available for the development of aeronautics the funds now received for the registration of commercial aviation operators, aircraft, and landing areas, and providing new sources of revenue.
   III. Effecting uniformity in the regulations pertaining to the operation of aircraft by authorizing the adoption of uniform regulations consistent with federal regulations and making noncompliance with federal regulations a violation of the state law, thereby enabling the law enforcement agencies of the state to enforce the laws regulating the operation of aircraft.
   IV. Providing for the protection and promotion of the public interest and safety in connection with the operation of aircraft.
   V. By imposing an operating fee on aircraft for the use of the facilities and services of the state airways system, which shall be in lieu of a personal property tax on aircraft.
   VI. Insuring that public airports are sited with due regard to the views of those municipalities in which they are proposed to be located.

Source. 2002, 6:1, eff. July 1, 2002.