Section 347:7 Shingles.
   I. All shingles offered for sale in this state shall be straight, 4 inches wide, free from shakes and worm holes; shall be split or sawed in a longitudinal direction crosswise the grain, and shall be designated and known, according to their quality, as No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, or refuse.
   II. Shaved shingles No. 1 shall be 18 inches long, 7/16 of an inch thick at the butt end, shall be free from knots and sap, and shall be breasted.
   III. No. 2 shall be at least 17 inches long, 3/8 of an inch thick at the butt end and clear of knots and sap.
   IV. No. 3 shall be at least 15 inches long, and 3/8 of an inch thick at the butt end.
   V. Sawed shingles No. 1 shall be clear of knots, shakes and sap.
   VI. No. 2 shall be free from shakes and sap, and clear of knots 8 inches from the butt end.
   VII. No. 3 shall be free from shakes and unsound knots.
   VIII. Refuse shall consist of such shingles as will not pass inspection for either of the above classes, unless in the opinion of the surveyor they shall be so inferior as to be worth less than half the price of No. 1, in which case they shall be branded O.
Source. RS 106:6. CS 109:6. GS 120:7. GL 131:7. PS 128:7. PL 167:7. RL 201:7.