Section 318:47-e Procedures for Dispensing Emergency Contraception.
   I. In this section, ""emergency contraception'' means an elevated dose of hormones used to prevent pregnancy.
   II. A pharmacist may initiate emergency contraception drug therapy in accordance with standardized procedures or protocols developed by the board, adopted pursuant to RSA 541-A, and an authorized prescriber who is acting within his or her scope of practice.
   III. Prior to performing any procedure authorized under this section, a pharmacist shall successfully complete emergency contraception drug therapy education and training in accordance with continuing education requirements established by the board. A pharmacist who has had sufficient recent education and training in emergency contraception may be exempted from the requirements of this section.
   IV. For each emergency contraception drug therapy initiated pursuant to this section, the pharmacist shall provide each recipient of the emergency contraceptive drugs with a standardized fact sheet that includes, but is not limited to: the indications for the use of the drug, the appropriate method for using the drug, information on the importance of follow-up health care, and health care referral information. The board shall develop this fact sheet in consultation with the commissioner of the department of health and human services, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and other relevant health care organizations.
   V. Nothing in the section shall affect the requirements of existing law relating to maintaining the confidentiality of medical records.
   VI. Nothing in this section shall limit the manner in which emergency contraception can be dispensed.
Source. 2005, 131:3, eff. Aug. 15, 2005.