Section 318:30-a Temporary Suspension Where Imminent Threat.
In cases involving imminent danger to life or health, the board may order suspension of a license, permit, registration, certification, or privilege granted under this chapter pending hearing for a period of no more than 60 days. In such cases, the basis for the board's finding of imminent danger to life or health shall be reduced to writing and combined with a hearing notice which complies with RSA 318:31, II and RSA 541-A:31, III. Notwithstanding the requirements of RSA 541-A:30, III, the board's hearing may commence as much as 30 days after the date of the order suspending the license, permit, registration, or certification. If the board does not commence the hearing within 30 days the suspension order shall be automatically vacated, but a licensee, permittee, registrant, or certificate holder shall be allowed additional time to prepare for or to complete a hearing under this section only by agreeing to a further suspension commensurate with the additional time extended.
Source. 1992, 97:11. 1994, 412:36, eff. Aug. 9, 1994. 2005, 177:133, eff. July 1, 2005.