Section 318-D:1 Definitions.
In this chapter:
   I. ""Anhydrous ammonia'' means ammonia that has been cooled, pressurized, or both so that it exists in liquid form. Water may be present in varying degrees, if at all. This definition shall not include commercially available water solutions of ammonia such as glass cleaners.
   II. ""Clandestine lab site'' means any structure or conveyance or location occupied or affected by conditions or chemicals typically associated with the manufacturing of methamphetamine.
   III. ""Emergency response'' includes, but is not limited to, removing and collecting evidence, securing the site, removal, remediation, and hazardous chemical assessment or inspection of the site where the relevant offense or offenses took place, regardless of whether these actions are performed by a public entity, a private contractor paid by a public entity, or the property owner.
   IV. ""Remediation'' means proper cleanup, treatment, or containment of hazardous substances or methamphetamine at or in a clandestine lab site, and may include demolition or disposal of structures or other property.
   V. ""Removal'' means the removal from the clandestine lab site of precursor or waste chemicals, chemical containers, or equipment associated with the manufacture, packaging, or storage of illegal drugs.
Source. 2006, 241:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.