Section 287-F:5 Governing Procedures and Conditions.

   I. The party states establish the tri-state lotto commission for the purpose of operating tri-state lotto.
   II. The commission shall be an interstate body, both corporate and politic, serving as a common agency of the party states and representing them both collectively and individually in the exercise of its powers and duties.
   III. The commission shall be composed of one member from each of the party states. Each party state lottery or sweepstakes commission shall appoint one of its members to serve on the tri-state lotto commission. Each member shall hold office at the pleasure of the appointing authority. The commission shall elect a chairman from among its members annually.
   IV. The commission's functions shall be performed and carried out by its members and by advisory committees or panels as the commission may establish, and by officers, independent contractors, agents, employees and consultants as may be appointed by the commission. All officers, independent contractors, agents, consultants and employees shall hold office at the pleasure of the commission, unless the commission otherwise decides, and the commission shall prescribe their powers, duties and qualifications and fix their compensation and other terms of their employment.
   V. No action of the commission shall be effective or binding unless there is a unanimous decision by the commission members from the various party states.
   VI. The members of the commission shall receive compensation for their services pursuant to this compact and in accordance with the policies of the respective states, and they shall be entitled to be reimbursed for the expenses they naturally and necessarily incur in the performance of their duties.
   VII. No member of the commission who is otherwise a public officer or employee shall suffer a forfeiture of his office or employment, or any loss or diminution in the rights and privileges pertaining to his office or employment, by reason of membership on the commission.
   VIII. The commission shall have the power and it shall be its duty to operate and administer tri-state lotto and to promulgate rules and regulations governing the establishment and operation of the lotto, including but not limited to the following topics:
      (a) The type of lottery to be conducted;
      (b) The price of the tickets;
      (c) The number and sizes of the prizes on the winning tickets;
      (d) The manner of selecting the winning tickets and paying the prizes;
      (e) The frequency of the drawings;
      (f) The type or types of locations at which tickets may be sold;
      (g) The method to be used in selling tickets;
      (h) The compensation required to be paid to tri-state lotto sales agents in order to assure adequate availability of tickets and public convenience in purchasing tickets; and
      (i) The development of an internal security plan designed to prevent player fraud.
   IX. The commission, or its designee, shall also license sales agents to sell tri-state lotto tickets, in accordance with RSA 287-F:6. The commission may require a bond from any licensed agent, in an amount to be determined by the commission.
   X. The commission shall make monthly and year-end reports to the commissions of the party states, which shall include a complete statement of tri-state lotto revenues, prize disbursements and other expenses, and any other information the party states may require.
   XI. All tri-state lotto accounts and transactions shall be subject to annual post-audits conducted by independent auditors retained by the commission for this purpose.
   XII. The commission may adopt a corporate seal and enter into contracts, including, but not limited to, contracts with other governments or agencies, to hire, lease, acquire and dispose of property to the extent necessary to carry out its functions, powers and duties as set forth in this section, and to expend or authorize expenditures of moneys for the purpose of operating tri-state lotto pursuant to this compact. The party states each shall have the right to require an audit as a party state may from time to time consider proper.
   XIII. The commission shall also have additional powers, incidental to the express powers granted to it by this compact, as may be necessary or proper for the effective performance of its functions.
   XIV. To avoid duplication of effort and in the interests of economy, the commission may make use of existing studies, plans, data and other materials in the possession of the governmental agencies of the party states and their respective political subdivisions. Each agency is authorized to make these materials available to the commission and otherwise to assist it in the performance of its functions. The officers and personnel of these agencies, and of any other government or agency, may serve at the request of the commission upon advisory committees and panels as the commission creates. The officers and personnel may serve upon these committees and panels without forfeiture of office or employment and with no diminution in the status, rights and privileges which they otherwise enjoy.

Source. 1985, 53:1, eff. April 23, 1985.