Section 287-D:1-b Rulemaking.
The racing and charitable gaming commission shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to:
   I. The application procedure for games of chance licenses for charitable organizations.
   II. Information to be required on license applications for games of chance licenses for charitable organizations.
   III. The application procedure for games of chance licenses for game operators.
   IV. Information to be required on license applications for games of chance licenses for game operators.
   V. Procedures for a hearing following revocation of any license issued pursuant to this chapter.
   VI. The operation of games of chance.
   VII. The rental or lease of facilities pursuant to RSA 287-D:2-a, VI and the leasing or purchasing of equipment for use in games of chance.
   VIII. Refunds of license fees pursuant to RSA 287-D:2-d, VI.
   IX. Accountability controls to ensure game integrity, including, but not limited to, cash, attendance, prizes, income, expense and financial reporting, and record-keeping to be implemented by licensed charitable organizations and licensed game operators in addition to requirements set forth in RSA 287-D:5.
   X. Enforcement of this chapter pursuant to RSA 287-D:6 and RSA 287-D:7.
   XI. Background and criminal records checks pursuant to RSA 287-D:8.
   XII. The issuance of subpoenas pursuant to RSA 287-D:9.
   XII-a. Administrative orders and fines pursuant to RSA 287-D:6.
   XII-b. Badge specifications, requirements, and fees pursuant to RSA 287-D:2-d, VII.
   XII-c. Game operator fees pursuant to RSA 287-D:2-d, III.
   XIII. Other matters related to the proper administration of this chapter.
Source. 2006, 311:6, eff. July 19, 2006. 2008, 25:1, eff. July 11, 2008; 285:16, eff. June 30, 2008.