Section 273-A:2 The Board.
   I. There is hereby created a public employee labor relations board consisting of 5 members, appointed by the governor and council. Two members shall be appointed who shall have extensive experience representing organized labor. Two members shall be appointed who shall have extensive experience in representing management interests. One member, who shall be the chairman, shall be appointed to represent the public at large, and shall not hold elective or appointive public office, or elective or appointive office, or membership in, organized labor at the time of his appointment or during his term. Members of the board may be removed by the governor and council for cause.
   I-a. The governor and council shall appoint, in addition to the regular board members specified in paragraph I, 4 alternate board members. One member shall have extensive experience representing organized labor, one member shall have extensive experience in representing management interests, and 2 members shall represent the public at large. The members representing the public at large shall not hold elective or appointive public office, or elective or appointive office, or membership in, organized labor at the time of appointment or during their term. Alternate board members shall serve a 6-year term, and may be removed by the governor and council.
   II. Each member of the board shall serve for a term of 6 years, except that of the members first appointed, one shall be appointed for 2 years, one for 3 years, one for 4 years, one for 5 years and one for 6 years. Each member shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. A person appointed to fill a vacancy shall be appointed for the unexpired term by the governor and council.
   III. Three members of the board shall constitute a quorum; provided, however, that no meeting shall be held unless organized labor, management and the public at large are each represented by at least one board member. In the absence of the 2 regular board members representing organized labor, or the 2 regular board members representing management, their respective alternates shall act in their place so as to constitute a quorum representative of each interest. Alternate board members shall also serve when the respective regular board members do not participate in a meeting due to a conflict of interest.
   IV. The board may appoint an executive director and such other staff, including counsel, as it deems necessary, who shall serve at the pleasure of the board.
   V. The board shall maintain a list of neutral third parties but the parties to an impasse may agree upon other persons not on the list.
   VI. The board may make, amend and rescind in the manner prescribed by RSA 541-A such rules, establish such procedures and conduct such studies as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
   VII. The members of the public employee labor relations board shall be paid $50 a day and their necessary expenses while actually engaged in the performance of their duties.
   VIII. All board decisions shall be indexed in a timely fashion.
Source. 1975, 490:2. 1979, 374:1, 2. 1985, 257:1. 1994, 356:1, eff. July 1, 1994. 1999, 156:2, eff. Aug. 27, 1999.