Section 273-A:16 Records and Reports.
   I. A copy of all agreements reached as a result of collective bargaining under this chapter shall be filed with the board by the parties within 14 days after execution of said agreement.
   II. Except as provided in paragraph IV, all documents and records of the board shall be public records and shall be kept for a minimum of 10 years.
   III. The board shall biennially submit a report of its activities to the governor and council.
   IV. In adjudicatory hearings conducted by the board, the board's deliberative processes shall be privileged and exempt from the public disclosure provisions of RSA 91-A. Decisions and orders in these adjudicatory hearings, including any prehearing orders required by RSA 541-A:31, V(d), shall be publicly available, but only after they have been reduced to writing, signed by a representative of the board, and served upon the parties.
Source. 1975, 490:2. 1979, 374:10, eff. Aug. 22, 1979. 2005, 278:2, 3, eff. Sept. 20, 2005.