Section 270-D:3 Motorboats Towing Water Skiers and Aquaplanes.
   I. No person shall operate a motorboat while towing water skiers, aquaplanes, or similar devices unless another person is present in the motorboat who is physically able to observe and assist the person or appurtenance being towed. The observer shall be 13 years of age or older.
   II. The operator of the motorboat shall be responsible for compliance with the navigation requirements under this subdivision for both the vessel and the person or appurtenance being towed. In addition, any person being towed by a motorboat shall comply with all navigation rules.
   III. No more than 2 persons may be towed on water skis, aquaplanes, or other devices from the same motorboat at the same time. When 2 persons are being towed, 2 observers, in addition to the operator, shall be in the towing vessel. Such observers shall be 13 years of age or older. Notwithstanding this paragraph, more than 2 skiers may be towed if a special permit is issued by the director.
   IV. Except in connection with water events and exhibitions authorized by the director, no towing of water skiers, aquaplanes or similar devices shall be conducted during the period between sunset and sunrise.
   V. No person shall be towed on water skis or other appurtenances unless the person is wearing a Coast Guard approved type 1, 2, or 3 PFD, except when directly participating or competing in an American Water Ski Association approved event or exhibition, authorized by a special permit issued by the director of safety services.
Source. 1990, 171:1. 1994, 200:1, eff. May 24, 1994.