Section 263:2 Possession of License Required.
Every person driving a motor vehicle shall have his driver's license upon his person or in the vehicle in some easily accessible place and shall display the same on demand of and manually surrender the same into the hands of the demanding officer for the inspection thereof. No person charged with a violation of this section shall be convicted if, within a period of 48 hours, he produces in the office of the arresting officer evidence that he held a valid driver's license which was in effect at the time of his arrest.
Source. 1905, 86:4. 1911, 133:10. 1921, 119:9. PL 101:16. RL 117:18. RSA 261:23, 23-a. 1971, 122:1. 1981, 146:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1982.