Section 236:129 Private Persons.
Any person owning real property whose property is directly affected by the site of a junk yard or automotive recycling yard maintained in violation of the provisions of this subdivision may in writing addressed to the local governing body request the local governing body to take appropriate action under this subdivision. A copy of the written communication to the local governing body shall be mailed to the person complained of. If the local governing body shall not, within 30 days thereafter, make a determination that a junk yard or automotive recycling yard does exist and issue the appropriate order, such person may, in his own name and in his own right, seek appropriate injunctive relief for the enforcement of this subdivision in the superior court.
Source. RSA 267-A:17. 1967, 372:1. 1969, 415:1. 1981, 87:1. 1985, 103:17. 1992, 88:18, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.