Section 214:32 Reports by Holders.
After the expiration of any license provided for in this subdivision, or upon request of the executive director, the holder of such license shall file a sworn statement, on blanks supplied by the executive director, covering all his transactions thereunder. The holder of each license shall keep a record of all transactions under his license, and such record, together with all plants and premises of the licensee, shall be open to inspection upon demand of the executive director or his agents. Such licensee shall answer any question relative to the ownership of any bird or animal, or part thereof, found in his possession or under his control, or that has passed through his hands, that may be asked by the executive director or any of his agents.
Source. 1935, 124:7. RL 247:21. RSA 214:32. 1981, 11:1, eff. May 10, 1981.