Section 212-A:5 Wildlife Species.
   I. The executive director shall conduct investigations on wildlife species in order to develop information relating to population, distribution, habitat needs, limiting factors and other biological and ecological data to determine conservation measures necessary for their continued ability to sustain themselves successfully. On the basis of such investigations the executive director, not later than one year after the effective date of this chapter, shall adopt rules and develop conservation programs designed to insure the continued ability of wildlife species deemed in need of conservation to perpetuate themselves successfully. The executive director shall conduct ongoing investigations of endangered and threatened species and may from time to time amend such rules.
   II. The executive director shall, by rule, establish such limitations relating to taking, possession, transportation or sale as may be deemed necessary to conserve threatened or endangered species.
   III. Except as otherwise provided in rules issued by the executive director, it shall be unlawful:
      (a) For any person to take, possess, transport or sell wildlife deemed by the executive director to be in need of conservation pursuant to this section;
      (b) For any common or contract carrier knowingly to transport or receive for transport wildlife deemed by the executive director to be in need of conservation pursuant to this section.
   IV. The executive director and the director of safety services may independently or in concert adopt and enforce rules temporarily restricting boat traffic on any waters of this state as either director deems necessary to protect any threatened or endangered species of wildlife in the earliest stages of life.
Source. 1979, 356:1. 1983, 314:3, eff. June 18, 1983.