Section 211:49 Cod, etc.
   I. No person shall use mobile gear, including but not limited to, otter trawls, mid-water trawls, beam trawls, pair trawls, purse seines, Scottish seines or drag seines in any form for the taking of any finfish or crustaceans in the waters under the jurisdiction of the state. The taking of all species of salmon (Salmonidae) and striped bass (Morone Saxatilis) is prohibited at any time by netting in any form. Nothing in this paragraph shall prohibit the setting of lobster traps or trawls for the taking of lobsters and crabs.
   II. The executive director may open and close the waters, or parts thereof, under the jurisdiction of the state to the taking of marine species by mobile gear pursuant to RSA 541-A and consistent with sound conservation and management practices. In addition to penalties established under RSA 211:58, violation of this section may result in confiscation of all fishing gear used in such violation.
Source. RL 245:59. 1949, 289:1. RSA 211:49. 1971, 501:1. 1973, 549:1. 1975, 62:1. 1983, 219:1. 1985, 40:2, 5. 1993, 51:2, eff. June 15, 1993.