Section 207:38-b Hunter Orange Recommendation.
   I. Any person hunting with a firearm or bow and arrow in this state during the hunting season, except for a person legally hunting waterfowl, should wear a hat, vest or other suitable article of clothing of material in the color of hunter orange visible from all sides at a minimum distance of 200 feet. ""Hunter orange'' means a daylight fluorescent orange color with a dominant wave length between 595 and 605 nanometers, an excitation purity of not less than 85 percent, and a luminance factor of not less than 40 percent.
   II. The executive director is directed to issue a written recommendation to each person purchasing a hunting license or to have printed on each hunting license the recommendation that the licensee should wear hunter orange when engaged in hunting in this state.
Source. 1983, 125:1, eff. June 7, 1983.