Section 193-A:10 Home Education Advisory Council.
   I. There is established the home education advisory council which shall consist of the following members:
      (a) Two members of the house of representatives from the house education committee, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.
      (b) One member of the senate from the senate education committee, appointed by the president of the senate.
      (c) The following individuals who shall be appointed by the commissioner of the department of education from persons named as follows:
         (1) Six members nominated by home educator associations organized within New Hampshire.
         (2) Two members nominated by the commissioner of the department of education, or designee.
         (3) One member nominated by the New Hampshire School Administrators Association.
         (4) One member nominated by the New Hampshire School Boards Association.
         (5) One member nominated by the New Hampshire Association of School Principals.
         (6) One member nominated by the nonpublic school advisory council established by the state board of education pursuant to RSA 21-N:9, II(f).
   II. The duties of the council and the terms of office of the members appointed under subparagraph I(c) shall be prescribed in accordance with rules proposed by the commissioner of education and adopted by the state board of education pursuant to RSA 541-A. Legislative members of the council shall serve a term which is coterminous with their elected office.
   III. The chair of the council shall be elected by the council members from the home educator membership on the council appointed under subparagraph I(c). All vacancies on the council shall be filled in the same manner as that of the original appointment.
   IV. Legislative members of the council shall receive mileage at the legislative rate when attending to the duties of the council.
Source. 1990, 279:3, eff. July 1, 1990. 2008, 344:2, eff. July 7, 2008.