Section 188-F:26 Powers.
In addition to other powers given to the council by this subdivision, it may:
   I. Adopt rules for the administration of this subdivision in accordance with the provisions of RSA 541-A.
   II. Require submission of reports and information from law enforcement and corrections agencies within this state that may be pertinent to the effective functioning of the council.
   II-a. For the purposes of a disciplinary hearing, subpoena and examine witnesses under oath, take oaths or affirmations, and reduce to writing testimony given at any hearing. Any person whose rights or privileges may be affected at such a disciplinary hearing may appear with witnesses and be represented by counsel.
   III. Establish minimum educational and training standards for employment as a police officer, state corrections officer, or state probation-parole officer either in permanent positions or in temporary or probationary status.
   III-a. [Repealed.]
   IV. Certify persons as being qualified under the provisions of this subdivision to be police officers, state corrections officers, or state probation-parole officers, and establish rules under RSA 541-A for the suspension or revocation of the certification of such persons in the case of egregious misconduct or failure to comply with council standards.
   V. Establish entrance, student conduct, and curriculum requirements for preparatory, in-service, and advanced courses and programs for schools operated by or for the state or its political subdivisions for the specific purpose of training police, state corrections, or state probation-parole recruits or officers or tuition students at such programs.
   VI. Consult and cooperate with counties, municipalities, agencies of this state, other governmental agencies, and with universities, colleges, junior colleges, and other institutions concerning the development of police and corrections training schools and programs or courses of instruction, and the development of standards and methodology for the voluntary accreditation of police departments in the state.
   VI-a. Offer the educational material and, as appropriate, training relative to the human immunodeficiency virus and related issues prepared and developed pursuant to RSA 141-F:3, II.
   VII. Establish, maintain, certify, or approve institutions and facilities for training police officers, state corrections officers, or state probation-parole officers, and recruits for such positions.
   VIII. Make or cause to be made studies of any aspect of police or corrections education and training or recruitment.
   VIII-a. Prepare and make available, upon request, model policies and procedures to assist law enforcement agencies in preparation of written policies.
   VIII-b. Establish and maintain a voluntary certification program for police canines and canine handlers.
   IX. Make recommendations concerning any matter within its purview pursuant to this subdivision.
   X. Make such investigations as may be necessary to determine whether governmental units are complying with the provisions of this subdivision.
   XI. Adopt and amend bylaws, consistent with law, for its internal management and control.
   XII. Enter into contracts or do such things as may be necessary and incidental to the administration of its authority pursuant to this subdivision.
   XIII. Accept in the name of the state any and all donations or grants, both real and personal, from any governmental unit or public agency, or from any institution, person, firm, or corporation. The council shall receive, utilize, and dispose of all donations and grants subject to budgetary provisions and according to the rules of the council and consistent with the purposes or conditions of the donation or grant. The receipt of a donation or grant shall be noted in the annual report of the council. The report shall identify the donor, the nature of the donation or grant, and the condition of the donation or grant, if any. Any moneys received by the council pursuant to this paragraph shall be deposited in the state treasury to the account of the council and shall not lapse.
   XIV. Nominate and appoint a director of police standards and training for a term of 4 years who shall report to the police standards and training council, and who shall be an unclassified employee, and whose salary shall be established by RSA 94:1-a. All other employees shall be hired by the director and shall be classified employees. The director shall have practical and academic knowledge in the field of law enforcement, including substantial administrative experience and a degree or degrees in criminology, police administration, or other similar field or any equivalent combination of education and experience.
   XIV-a. The council may delegate to the director of police standards and training any powers and duties enumerated in this subdivision.
   XV. The director may grant authority to any certified full-time police officer employed by the council as assistant director or law enforcement training specialist, to enforce the provisions of this subdivision and any rules adopted under this subdivision, and cooperate and exchange information with any local, state, or federal law enforcement agency relative to the qualification and moral fitness of applicants for employment or continued employment as police officers or corrections officers.
   XVI. The council may appoint, after consultation with the commissioner of corrections, a corrections advisory committee from a list of nominees submitted by the director. The members shall serve without compensation at the pleasure of the council and shall consist of one representative of the management of each adult correctional facility operated by the department of corrections, one representative each from prison industries, the secure psychiatric unit, and probation-parole, one medical professional from within the correctional system, one state corrections officer chosen by the New Hampshire state employees' association, and one representative of a county correctional institution chosen by the New Hampshire Association of Counties. The committee shall meet not less than twice in each fiscal year at the call of the director, and shall advise the council as requested on issues coming before it concerning corrections standards and training.
   XVII. Adopt rules and establish fees to implement the provisions of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004, 18 U.S.C. section 926C(d)(2)(B) in accordance with RSA 541-A.
Source. 1985, 152:1. 1988, 262:5. 1993, 331:4, 5. 1994, 172:1. 1995, 133:7; 155:6, 7, 9; 182:27. 1996, 13:2, 3. 1998, 108:1; 272:17. 2003, 59:1. 2006, 248:1. 2007, 361:23, 24, eff. July 17, 2007.