Section 184:110 Board Powers and Duties.
   I. The board shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to:
      (a) Developing eligibility criteria for obtaining compensation from the milk producers emergency relief fund.
      (b) Procedures for processing applications for compensation from the milk producers emergency relief fund and verifying claims.
      (c) Procedures for calculating payments to milk producers.
      (d) Procedures for accounting for payments made and amounts carried forward pursuant to RSA 184:107, III.
   II. The board may review, and adjust as necessary, the target price at any time, but shall do so at least semi-annually by October 1 and April 1 of each year. The first such review and adjustment of the target price shall be completed no later than April 1, 2008. The board shall hold at least one public hearing prior to each adjustment of the target price. Adjustment of the target price shall be exempt from rulemaking under RSA 541-A.
   III. The board shall submit to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate a report, no later than October 1 of each year, on the status of the milk producers emergency relief fund and the state of the milk industry. The report in even-numbered years shall include a request for any necessary appropriation in the next biennium from the general fund. Any such appropriations shall be included in the department's operating budget for each biennium. The first such report shall be submitted no later than October 1, 2008.
   IV. The board, using milk producers emergency relief fund moneys with the approval of the governor and council, may employ legal counsel as necessary to perform its duties in administering the milk producers emergency relief fund.
   V. The board may request that the attorney general issue subpoenas, examine witnesses, or request any other information on behalf of the board for the purposes of determining eligibility for compensation under this subdivision.
Source. 2007, 381:1, eff. July 1, 2007. 2008, 74:6, eff. July 1, 2008.