Section 171-A:33 Developmental Services Quality Council Established; Membership; Duties.
   I. There is established the developmental services quality council to provide leadership for consistent, systemic review and improvement of the quality of the developmental disability and acquired brain disorder services provided within New Hampshire's developmental services system. At least 51 percent of the members of the council shall be individuals with disabilities served by the system or parents of individuals served by the system. The members of the council shall be as follows:
      (a) The commissioner of the department of health and human services, or designee.
      (b) A representative of People First of New Hampshire, appointed by such organization.
      (c) A representative of Advocates Building Lasting Equality in New Hampshire (ABLE NH), appointed by such organization.
      (d) A representative of the Autism Society of New Hampshire, appointed by the society.
      (e) A representative of the Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire, appointed by the association.
      (f) Two representatives of the New Hampshire Developmental Disabilities Council, at least one of whom shall be a person with a developmental disability, appointed by the council.
      (g) Three representatives of local Family Support Councils, appointed by the state Family Support Council.
      (h) One direct support professional and one enhanced family care provider, appointed by the New Hampshire Developmental Disabilities Council.
      (i) Three representatives of area agency boards of directors including at least 2 persons with a developmental disability or family members of such persons, appointed by the Community Support Network Incorporated.
      (j) A representative of the Community Support Network Incorporated, appointed by such organization.
      (k) A representative of the Private Provider Network, appointed by such organization.
      (l) The director of the Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire, or designee.
      (m) A representative of the Disabilities Rights Center, appointed by the center.
   II. The groups represented under paragraph I are encouraged to provide, according to their ability, the in-kind and other resources necessary for the council to succeed. The council may request information and analysis on quality from the department of health and human services, area agencies, and providers. The council shall have access to all non-confidential information on quality for services funded all or in part by public funds.
   III. The council shall regularly review information on the quality of developmental services in New Hampshire and make recommendations for improving service quality and the quality assurance and continuous improvement systems, including but not limited to:
      (a) Standards of quality and performance expected of area agencies and provider agencies.
      (b) Types of data to be collected, analyzed, and disseminated to determine whether standards are being met.
      (c) Quality assurance and oversight mechanisms to be used to gather data and information.
      (d) Content, frequency, and recipients of quality evaluation and improvement reports.
      (e) Expectations and procedures for following up on identified areas where improvements are needed.
      (f) Structures, policies, rules, and practices, including staffing or organizational changes, to ensure that the developmental services system works as intended in RSA 171-A:1, including:
         (1) Ways of supporting values-based and person-centered service planning and provision, as well as problem solving, innovation, and learning;
         (2) Recognizing and disseminating what is working well (best/model practices); and
         (3) Reviewing, interpreting, and disseminating data and information on a regular basis to bring about transparency for all stakeholders and the public.
   IV. The council shall make an annual report beginning on November 1, 2010 that includes its recommendations and an assessment of the actions taken in response to previous recommendations to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, the members of the house committee on health, human services and elderly affairs and the members of the senate committee on health and human services.
   V. The meetings shall be convened by the commissioner of the department of health and human services, or designee, and shall meet regularly as determined by the council. The meetings shall be open to the public and subject to the provisions of RSA 91-A, the right-to-know law. The council may establish bylaws for governing its meetings, decisions, and other operations.
Source. 2009, 104:1, eff. Aug. 14, 2009.