Section 165:1-e Option to Treat a Qualified State Assistance Reduction as Deemed Income.
The local governing body of a town or city may permit the welfare administrator to deem as income all or any portion of any qualified state assistance reduction pursuant to RSA 167:82, VIII. The following criteria shall apply to any action to deem income under this section:
   I. The authority to deem income under this section shall terminate when the qualified state assistance reduction no longer is in effect.
   II. Applicants for general assistance may be required to cooperate in obtaining information from the department of health and human services as to the existence and amount of any qualified state assistance reduction. No applicant for general assistance may be considered to be subject to a qualified state assistance reduction unless the existence and amount of the reduction has been confirmed by the department of health and human services.
   III. The welfare administrator shall provide the applicant with a written decision which sets forth the amount of any deemed income used to determine eligibility for general assistance.
   IV. Whenever necessary to prevent an immediate threat to the health and safety of children in the household, the welfare administrator shall waive that portion, if any, of the qualified state assistance reduction as is necessary.
Source. 1996, 175:3, eff. Aug. 2, 1996.