Section 162-H:2 Definitions.
   I. ""Acceptance'' means a determination by the committee that it finds that the application is complete and ready for consideration.
   II. [Repealed.]
   II-a. ""Certificate'' or ""certificate of site and facility'' means the document issued by the committee, containing such terms and conditions as the committee deems appropriate, that authorizes the applicant to proceed with the proposed site and facility.
   III. ""Commencement of construction'' means any clearing of the land, excavation or other substantial action that would adversely affect the natural environment of the site of the proposed facility, but does not include land surveying, optioning or acquiring land or rights in land, changes desirable for temporary use of the land for public recreational uses, or necessary borings to determine foundation conditions, or other preconstruction monitoring to establish background information related to the suitability of the site or to the protection of environmental use and values.
   IV. [Repealed.]
   V. ""Committee'' means the site evaluation committee established by this chapter.
   VI. ""Energy'' means power, including mechanical power or useful heat, derived from any resource, including, but not limited to, oil, coal, and gas.
   VII. ""Energy facility'' means:
      (a) Any industrial structure that may be used substantially to extract, produce, manufacture, transport or refine sources of energy, including ancillary facilities as may be used or useful in transporting, storing or otherwise providing for the raw materials or products of any such industrial structure. This shall include but not be limited to industrial structures such as oil refineries, gas plants, equipment and associated facilities designed to use any, or a combination of, natural gas, propane gas and liquefied natural gas, which store on site a quantity to provide 7 days of continuous operation at a rate equivalent to the energy requirements of a 30 megawatt electric generating station and its associated facilities, plants for coal conversion, onshore and offshore loading and unloading facilities for energy sources and energy transmission pipelines that are not considered part of a local distribution network.
      (b) Electric generating station equipment and associated facilities designed for, or capable of, operation at any capacity of 30 megawatts or more.
      (c) An electric transmission line of design rating of 100 kilovolts or more, associated with a generating facility under subparagraph (b), over a route not already occupied by a transmission line or lines.
      (d) An electric transmission line of a design rating in excess of 100 kilovolts that is in excess of 10 miles in length, over a route not already occupied by a transmission line.
      (e) A new electric transmission line of design rating in excess of 200 kilovolts.
      (f) A renewable energy facility.
      (g) Any other facility and associated equipment that the committee determines requires a certificate, consistent with the findings and purposes of RSA 162-H:1, either on its own motion or by petition of the applicant or 2 or more petitioners as defined in RSA 162-H:2, XI.
   VIII. ""Filing'' means the date on which the application is first submitted to the committee.
   IX. ""Person'' means any individual, group, firm, partnership, corporation, cooperative, municipality, political subdivision, government agency or other organization.
   X. [Repealed.]
   X-a. [Repealed.]
   XI. ""Petitioner'' means a person filing a petition meeting any of the following conditions:
      (a) A petition endorsed by 100 or more registered voters in the host community or host communities.
      (b) A petition endorsed by 100 or more registered voters from abutting communities.
      (c) A petition endorsed by the governing body of the host community or 2 or more governing bodies of abutting communities.
      (d) A petition filed by the potential applicant.
   XII. ""Renewable energy facility'' means electric generating station equipment and associated facilities designed for, or capable of, operation at a nameplate capacity of greater than 30 megawatts but less than 120 megawatts and powered by wind energy, geothermal energy, hydrogen derived from biomass fuels or methane gas, ocean thermal, wave, current, or tidal energy, methane gas, biomass technologies, solar technologies, or hydroelectric energy. ""Renewable energy facility'' shall also include electric generating station equipment and associated facilities of 30 megawatts or less nameplate capacity but at least 5 megawatts which the committee determines requires a certificate, consistent with the findings and purposes set forth in RSA 162-H:1, either on its own motion or by petition of the applicant or 2 or more petitioners as defined in RSA 162-H:2, XI.
Source. 1991, 295:1. 1997, 298:21-24. 1998, 264:2, eff. June 26, 1998. 2007, 25:1, eff. May 11, 2007; 364:3. eff. July 17, 2007. 2008, 348:8, eff. July 7, 2008. 2009, 65:2-4, 24, I-IV, eff. Aug. 8, 2009.