Section 162-H:1 Declaration of Purpose.
The legislature recognizes that the selection of sites for energy facilities, including the routing of high voltage transmission lines and energy transmission pipelines, will have a significant impact upon the welfare of the population, the location and growth of industry, the overall economic growth of the state, the environment of the state, and the use of natural resources. Accordingly, the legislature finds that it is in the public interest to maintain a balance between the environment and the need for new energy facilities in New Hampshire; that undue delay in the construction of needed facilities be avoided and that full and timely consideration of environmental consequences be provided; that all entities planning to construct facilities in the state be required to provide full and complete disclosure to the public of such plans; and that the state ensure that the construction and operation of energy facilities is treated as a significant aspect of land-use planning in which all environmental, economic, and technical issues are resolved in an integrated fashion, all to assure that the state has an adequate and reliable supply of energy in conformance with sound environmental principles. The legislature, therefore, hereby establishes a procedure for the review, approval, monitoring, and enforcement of compliance in the planning, siting, construction, and operation of energy facilities.
Source. 1991, 295:1. 1998, 264:1, eff. June 26, 1998. 2009, 65:1, eff. Aug. 8, 2009.