Section 161:4-a Rulemaking.
The commissioner of the department of health and human services shall adopt rules under RSA 541-A relative to:
   I. The development, administration and supervision of child welfare services by the department of health and human services under RSA 161:2, II.
   II. The determination of eligibility for assistance to needy blind persons under RSA 161:2, V.
   III. The development and operation of social and related service programs under RSA 161:2, XII.
   IV. The development and administration of the food stamp program under RSA 161:2, XIII, including procedures for waiver of food stamp overpayments.
   V. The establishment, maintenance and direction of a system of collecting and disbursing court ordered support payments in divorce, nonsupport and support of children of unwed parents cases under RSA 161:2, XVI.
   VI. The custody, use and preservation of records, papers, files and communications relating to the department of health and human services.
   VII. The decision of hearings officers appointed under RSA 161:4, IV.
   VIII. Limitations on the total number of children living in foster care under RSA 161:4, V.
   VIII-a. The establishment, maintenance, and direction of a reasonable and fair system of recouping payments made in error from child support collected pursuant to RSA 161:2, XVI, or other means as allowed by law. Such system shall include, but shall not be limited to, grounds for appeal on the basis of economic hardship.
   IX. Any other matters necessary to implement his duties under RSA 161 or any other law delegating the commissioner rulemaking authority.
Source. 1983, 242:2; 291:1, II. 1992, 270:1. 1995, 310:181-183, eff. Nov. 1, 1995. 2006, 85:2, eff. May 5, 2006.