Section 161-F:43 Definitions.
In this subdivision:
   I. ""Protective services'' means services and action which will, through voluntary agreement or through appropriate court action, prevent neglect, abuse or exploitation of incapacitated adults. Such services shall include, but not be limited to, supervision, guidance, counseling and, when necessary, assistance in the securing of nonhazardous living accommodations, and mental and physical examinations.
   II. ""Abuse'' means any one of the following:
      (a) ""Emotional abuse'' means the misuse of power, authority, or both, verbal harassment, or unreasonable confinement which results or could result in the mental anguish or emotional distress of an incapacitated adult.
      (b) ""Physical abuse'' means the use of physical force which results or could result in physical injury to an incapacitated adult.
      (c) ""Sexual abuse'' means contact or interaction of a sexual nature involving an incapacitated adult without his or her informed consent.
   III. ""Neglect'' means an act or omission which results or could result in the deprivation of essential services or supports necessary to maintain the minimum mental, emotional or physical health and safety of an incapacitated adult.
   IV. ""Exploitation'' means the illegal use of an incapacitated adult's person or property for another person's profit or advantage, or the breach of a fiduciary relationship through the use of a person or a person's property for any purpose not in the proper and lawful execution of a trust, including, but not limited to, situations where a person obtains money, property, or services from an incapacitated adult through the use of undue influence, harassment, duress, deception, or fraud.
   V. ""Serious bodily injury'' means any harm to the body which causes or could cause severe, permanent or protracted loss of or impairment to the health or of the function of any part of the body.
   VI. ""Self-neglect'' means an act or omission by an incapacitated adult which results or could result in the deprivation of essential services or supports necessary to maintain his or her minimum mental, emotional or physical health and safety.
   VII. ""Incapacitated'' means that the physical, mental, or emotional ability of a person is such that he is unable to manage personal, home, or financial affairs in his own best interest, or he is unable to act or unable to delegate responsibility to a responsible caretaker or caregiver.
Source. 1989, 7:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1990. 2002, 36:2, eff. July 1, 2002.