Section 155:17 Definitions.
Terms used in this subdivision shall be construed as follows unless a different meaning is clearly apparent from the language or content:
   I. ""Places of assembly'' shall mean a room or space in which provision is made for the congregation or assembly of 100 or more persons for religious, recreational, educational, political, social or amusement purposes or for the consumption of food or drink. For the purpose of this definition such room or space shall include any occupied connecting rooms, space or area on the same level or in the same story, or in a story or stories above or below, where entrance is common to the rooms, space or areas, and it shall mean a tent or area covered by canvas, in which provision is made for the congregation or assembly of 50 or more persons for religious, recreational, educational, political, social, or amusement purposes or for the consumption of food or drink. For the purpose of this definition of such tent and area covered by canvas it shall include connected tents, spaces or areas covered by canvas where entrance is common to the tents or canvas-covered areas.
   II. ""Licensing agency'' shall mean the chief of the fire department, the firewards or engineers, if any, otherwise the selectmen of the town or the commissioners of village district as the case may be.
   III-VI. [Repealed.]
   VII. ""Approved'' shall mean approved by the licensing agency.
   VIII. ""Fire resistive'' or ""flameproof'' materials or construction shall mean materials or construction which will satisfactorily resist the efforts of severe fire.
   IX-XII. [Repealed.]
   XIII. ""Placard indicating capacity'' shall mean a sign of suitable size and form to indicate authorized capacity of each room in number of occupants other than employees.
   XIV. ""Enforcement agency'' shall mean the normal law enforcing authorities of the state, county, city or town in which the place of assembly is located.
   XV. [Repealed.]
Source. 1943, 153:1. 1953, 217:1. RSA 155:17. 1973, 107:2, II, eff. July 7, 1973.