Section 155-D:3 Construction Standards.
   I. All new buildings and structures or portions thereof and additions to existing buildings that provide facilities or shelter for public assembly, educational, business, mercantile, institutional, and residential occupancy, as well as those portions of factories and industrial occupancies designed primarily for human occupancy, shall conform to standards not less than those established by the code and amendments to the code; provided, however, the following exceptions shall be permitted:
      (a) Double glazing instead of the triple glazing requirement.
      (b) The ceiling insulation requirement of an R-30 factor instead of R-38 for both cathedral and flat ceilings.
      (c) The ductwork insulation requirement of an R-3 factor instead of an R-8 factor.
   II. The construction standards established by the code shall apply to all residential buildings as defined in section 502.2 of the code. The distinction between Type A-1 and Type A-2 residential buildings established by section 502.2 of the code is hereby abolished.
Source. 1979, 460:1. 1986, 85:1. 1990, 147:3, eff. June 18, 1990.