Section 154:1 Organization.
   I. All town and city fire departments, and fire departments of village districts or precincts organized pursuant to RSA 52:1, I(a), shall be organized according to one of the following forms, chosen by vote of the local legislative body:
      (a) A fire chief appointed by the local governing body, or by the town or city manager, if any, with firefighters appointed by the fire chief;
      (b) A fire chief appointed by the local governing body, or by the town or city manager, if any, with firefighters appointed by the local governing body or manager, upon recommendation of the fire chief;
      (c) A fire chief elected by the local legislative body pursuant to RSA 669:17, with firefighters appointed by the fire chief;
      (d) Firewards of any number, as determined by the local legislative body, either elected pursuant to RSA 669:17 or appointed by the local governing body, with a fire chief appointed by the firewards and firefighters appointed by the fire chief; or
      (e) Firewards of any number, as determined by the local legislative body, either elected pursuant to RSA 669:17 or appointed by the local governing body, with a fire chief and firefighters appointed by the firewards.
   II. Firefighters may recommend the appointment of any firefighter, fire officer, or fire chief to the appointing authority as provided in subparagraphs I(a) through (e).
   III. A municipality may choose a form of fire department organization different from those set forth in paragraph I, including the election of fire chief, fire officers or firefighters, or all such persons, by the firefighters.
   IV. A town, city, village district or precinct may, by vote of the local legislative body, change the organization of its fire department from one form to another. For municipalities with a town meeting form of government, such a vote shall be taken under an article inserted by the selectmen or by petition in the warrant for the annual meeting, and the change in form shall not take effect until one year following such vote.
   V. Further fire department organizational provisions, including, but not limited to the manner of appointment and promotion of firefighters and officers, may be set forth in a municipal charter or local ordinance, if such provisions conform to this chapter.
   VI. Subject to statute, charter, or local ordinance, and subject to such written formal policies or guidelines as may be adopted or approved by the appointing authority, the fire chief shall have the organizational and administrative control of the fire department.
   VII. For purposes of this chapter the term ""firewards'' includes fire engineers and fire commissioners, where applicable.
   VIII. The firewards, if any, shall constitute a board, and shall take actions by majority vote. They shall elect a clerk, and may adopt a badge of office.
Source. RS 111:1. 1844, 143:1. 1845, 243:1. CS 114:1, 4. GS 96:1. GL 106:1. PS 115:1. PL 146:1. RL 175:1. RSA 154:1. 1975, 443:1. 1992, 154:2. 1993, 28:4, eff. Jan. 1, 1994.