Section 147-A:6 Transporter Registration.
The department shall administer and enforce the transporter program.
   I. Any transporter of hazardous waste within the state shall annually register with the department using forms provided by the department before engaging in the transportation of hazardous wastes, unless conditionally exempted by rules adopted pursuant to RSA 147-A:3, XXV.
   II. Information submitted with each registration application and registration renewal application shall include:
      (a) Transporter's name;
      (b) Mailing address of transporter's office;
      (c) Telephone number of the transporter's office;
      (d) The name and title of a contact person;
      (e) The transporter's U.S. EPA identification number;
      (f) The transporter's U.S. DOT motor carrier census number or interstate commerce commission number;
      (g) The Research and Special Programs Administration of the United States Department of Transportation registration number, if applicable;
      (h) An attestation that the transporter is in compliance with the financial responsibility requirements of 49 C.F.R. section 387.9.
   III. The registration period shall be from July 1, of a given year, to June 30, of the following year. The division shall develop procedures to expedite the registration of transporters who wish to initiate operations in the state during the registration period.
   IV. Nothing in this section shall effect in any way any authority the state may have under other statutes to enjoin the operations of a transporter that has been convicted of a violation of a criminal statute relating to its hazardous waste transporter operations.
   V. (a) The department may conduct reasonable investigations to determine whether applicants and registrants have sufficient reliability, expertise, integrity, and competence to transport hazardous waste.
      (b) Transporters shall notify the department of any change in the information submitted pursuant to paragraph II.
      (c) The department may modify, suspend, or revoke a transporter registration if the transporter violates any provision of RSA 147-A, any rules adopted by the commissioner pursuant to RSA 147-A, or any rules adopted by the commissioner of the department of safety pursuant to RSA 21-P:17.
      (d) The department may deny a registration application or registration renewal application or suspend or revoke a registration if any of the following apply:
         (1) The applicant or registrant fails to demonstrate sufficient reliability, expertise, integrity, and competence to transport hazardous waste.
         (2) The applicant or registrant has been convicted of, or pled guilty or no contest to, a felony in any state or federal court during the 5 years before the date of registration application or registration renewal application.
         (3) In the case of a corporation or business entity, any of its officers, directors, partners, key employees, or persons or business entities holding 10 percent or more of its equity or debt liability has been convicted of, or pled guilty or no contest to, a felony in any state or federal court during the 5 years before the date of the registration application or registration renewal application.
Source. 1981, 413:2. 1983, 137:7, 227:3. 1986, 158:4, 5; 202:6, I(e). 1989, 300:1. 1990, 3:76, 77. 253:2, 13. 1991, 112:1. 1992, 263:4. 1995, 308:33. 1996, 228:106, 107. 1999, 52:2-4, eff. July 20, 1999; 53:4, eff. July 20, 1999.