Section 143-A:7 Revocation of License.
   I. If any food service establishment or retail food store licensed under this chapter repeatedly violates any legally adopted rule of the commissioner, or if the operation of the licensed establishment immediately endangers public health and safety, the commissioner may revoke the license. Any revocation of a license shall be executed in compliance with RSA 541-A.
   II. The notice of revocation shall:
      (a) Be in writing;
      (b) Enumerate the reason or reasons for revocation;
      (c) Outline the remedial action necessary to correct the revocation; and
      (d) Inform the owner or his agent of his rights and options for redress of grievances as enumerated in RSA 541-A.
Source. 1986, 106:1. 1995, 310:183, eff. Nov. 1, 1995.