Section 126-A:17 Advisory Council on Child Care.

   I. There is established an advisory council on child care in New Hampshire consisting of voting and nonvoting members listed in paragraphs II and III.
   II. The advisory council shall consist of the following voting members:
      (a) One member of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house.
      (b) One member of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate.
      (c) Two representatives of Early Learning New Hampshire, one to represent the family child care provider community and one to represent the center-based child care provider community, appointed by such organization.
      (d) [Repealed.]
      (e) One individual representing the interests of school age child care, appointed by Plus Time N.H..
      (f) The president of the New Hampshire Child Care Resource and Referral Network, or designee.
      (g) The president of the New Hampshire Association for the Education of Young Children, or designee.
      (h) The president of the New Hampshire American Academy of Pediatrics, or designee.
      (i) The chair of the New Hampshire Head Start Directors Association, or designee.
      (j) One individual representing the concerns of the business community relative to child care services, appointed by the Business and Industry Association.
      (k) Three individuals who are consumers of child care services, appointed by the governor. To the extent possible, economic, cultural, and geographical diversity shall be maintained among these at-large appointees, with one residing in a city, one residing in a town with a population in excess of 5,000 persons, and one residing in a town with fewer than 5,000 persons. One consumer appointee shall have a child with a disability who attends a child care program.
      (l) One representative of New Hampshire early childhood education programs, appointed by the chancellor of the community college system of New Hampshire.
      (m) One representative of the university system of New Hampshire whose area of expertise is early childhood education, appointed by the chancellor of the university system of New Hampshire.
      (n) One representative of the department of education, appointed by the commissioner of education. The representative shall have nonvoting status for votes pertaining to the department of education matters.
   III. The advisory council shall consist of the following nonvoting members:
      (a) Representatives from the department of health and human services, appointed by the commissioner of health and human services. One of the representatives shall be the administrator of the child development bureau. Additional representatives from the child development bureau shall be included. Other representatives from the department shall include, but not be limited to individuals with expertise in child care licensing, maternal and child health, behavioral health, developmental disability services, child care subsidies, Head Start, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
      (b) Any number of additional non-voting members appointed by a majority vote of the voting members. The purpose of this provision is to permit the council to seek out and recognize persons with expertise and experience in the field of child care who may make significant contributions to the work of the council in specific policy areas.
   IV. (a) The term of office for each member appointed under subparagraphs II(j) through (n) shall be 3 years, or until a successor is appointed and qualified in the case of a vacancy. The term of office for all other members shall be coterminous with the term of office for the position that qualifies that member to serve on the advisory council. A vacancy shall be filled in the same manner, but only for the unexpired term.
      (b) The advisory council shall meet at least quarterly, and may meet more often at the call of the chair, or at the request of a majority of the members directed to the chair. The council may, by majority vote of the voting members, adopt additional bylaws as deemed necessary by the council.
      (c) The council shall, at its annual meeting, elect one voting member to serve as chair for a one-year term, or until a successor is elected and qualified.
      (d) No member shall receive any compensation for serving on the council, provided that the legislative members shall receive legislative mileage when in performance of their duties and the consumer members may receive compensation dependent upon the availability of funds, other than from the general fund.
   V. The duties of the council shall include, but not be limited to:
      (a) Developing a 5-year state plan of recommended improvements of child care services in the state of New Hampshire, copies to be sent to the speaker of the house, the president of the senate, and the governor.
      (b) Submitting an annual progress report of the council's 5-year state plan to the speaker of the house, the president of the senate, and the governor.
      (c) Reviewing and making recommendations regarding federal plan submissions and proposed legislative changes to facilitate the development and provision of quality child care services in the state of New Hampshire.
      (d) Acting as a forum to receive information from child care professionals, educators, providers, consumers, government agencies, and the business community relating to the provision of child care services in the state of New Hampshire.
      (e) Advising the commissioner of health and human services on any issue related to child care in New Hampshire.
      (f) Informing and communicating with the commissioner of education on any issue related to child care in New Hampshire.
      (g) Informing and communicating with the governor on any issue related to child care in New Hampshire.
   VI. The duties of the department of health and human services shall include, but not be limited to:
      (a) Informing the advisory council, in a timely manner, of any proposed legislation and any proposed changes to administrative rules relating to the provision of quality child care.
      (b) Informing the advisory council, at least twice annually, on matters regarding:
         (1) Federal and child care revenues and expenditures.
         (2) Financial reporting and statistics related to child care subsidies.
         (3) The status of other federal and state child care grants.
         (4) Information on consumer and provider utilization and availability.
   VII. The department of health and human services shall continue to provide administrative support to the advisory council.
   VIII. The council is the advisory body for the federally-funded Child Care Development Fund. The advisory council may serve as an advisory body when required for state participation in or may coordinate with other federally-funded child care programs granted to the state of New Hampshire.

Source. 1995, 310:1. 1999, 184:1. 2004, 92:1, 2, eff. July 6, 2004. 2007, 361:9, eff. July 17, 2007.