Section 125-L:3 Rulemaking.
The commissioner shall adopt rules consistent with the Eastern Climate Registry or a broader multi-state registry under RSA 541-A, relative to:
   I. Information, forms, procedures, and applicable thresholds for registering voluntarily achieved reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.
   II. Methods and procedures for calculating, estimating, or otherwise quantifying voluntary reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.
   III. Methods and procedures for verifying, where necessary, that emissions reductions to be registered have actually been achieved.
   IV. Methods and procedures for determining or verifying the ownership of greenhouse gas emissions reductions in order to avoid doublecounting such reductions.
   V. General supervision and administration of this chapter.
Source. 1999, 220:2, eff. Sept. 4, 1999. 2007, 226:2, eff. Aug. 24, 2007.