Section 659:51 Challenges.
All absentee ballots are subject to challenge after the moderator publicly announces the name of the absentee voter but not after the ballot is removed from the envelope. A person who makes a challenge shall state the reason for the challenge. If the ballot is challenged, the moderator shall write on the affidavit envelope containing the ballot the word ""challenged'' and the name and address of the person who makes the challenge and the basis of the challenge. The moderator shall also number each challenged envelope consecutively by marking, for example, the first challenged ballot ""Challenged Ballot No. 1''. The moderator shall then determine if the challenge to the ballot is well grounded. If the moderator decides the challenge is well grounded, he shall not open the envelope but shall preserve it with the other ballots cast at the election as provided in RSA 659:101. If the moderator decides that the challenge is not well grounded, he shall open the affidavit envelope so the affidavit thereon is not destroyed and proceed first to mark on the reverse of the folded ballot the corresponding challenge number as previously marked on the envelope. He shall then proceed to deposit the ballot as provided in RSA 659:52.
Source. 1979, 436:1, eff. July 1, 1979.