Section 556:13 Limitation of Recovery.
The damages recoverable in such an action shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars except in cases where the plaintiff's decedent has left either a widow, widower, child, father, mother, or any relative dependent on the plaintiff's decedent in which event there shall be no limitation. In the trial of such an action the jury shall not be informed of the limitation, if any, imposed by this section and if the jury awards damages in excess of such limitation, the court shall reduce the amount of damages awarded to conform to such limitation.
Source. PS 191:11. 1913, 201:1. PL 302:13. RL 355:13. 1949, 254:1. RSA 556:13. 1957, 91:1. 1963, 98:1. 1967, 344:1. 1971, 490:2. 1973, 142:1, eff. July 21, 1973.