Section 604-A:9 Repayment.
   I. Any adult defendant who has had counsel or a public defender assigned to the defendant at the expense of the state shall be ordered by the court under paragraph I-b to repay the state through the unit of cost containment, the fees and expenses paid by the state on the defendant's behalf according to a schedule established by the administrator of the cost containment unit with the approval of the administrative justices of the courts on such terms as the court may order consistent with the defendant's present or future ability to pay, such ability to be determined by the unit of cost containment. The state may collect from the defendant a service charge of up to 10 percent of the total amount of fees and expenses owed by such defendant. At no time shall the defendant be required to repay, for legal services, an amount greater than the state's flat rate for a contract attorney as established contractually pursuant to RSA 604-B. If the defendant is placed on probation or sentenced to a period of conditional discharge, the defendant shall repay the state, through the department of corrections, all fees and expenses paid on his behalf on such terms as the court may order consistent with the defendant's present or future ability to pay.
   I-a. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph I, any juvenile charged with being delinquent who has had counsel or a public defender assigned to him at the expense of the state, or any person liable for the support of the juvenile pursuant to RSA 604-A:2-a, shall be ordered by the court to repay the state through the unit of cost containment, the fees and expenses paid by the state on the defendant's behalf according to a schedule established by the administrator of the cost containment unit with the approval of the administrative justices of the courts on such terms as the court may order consistent with the defendant's present or future ability to pay. The office of cost containment may collect from the defendant or the person liable for his support a service charge of up to 10 percent of the total amount of fees and expenses owed by such defendant. At no time shall the defendant be required to repay, for legal services, an amount greater than the state's flat rate for a contract attorney as established contractually pursuant to RSA 604-B. Liability for repayment under this paragraph shall end when the juvenile reaches the age of majority, except in a case where the juvenile was certified and tried as an adult.
   I-b. The court shall enter a separate order, pursuant to the rules adopted by the commissioner of administrative services under RSA 604-A:10, IV, setting forth the terms of repayment of fees and expenses to the state, or if the court finds that the defendant is financially unable to make such payment or payments setting forth the reasons therefor. A copy of each order shall be forwarded to the commissioner of administrative services. Any defendant subject to an order under this section may petition the court for relief from the obligation imposed by this section, which may be granted only upon a finding that the defendant is unable to comply with the terms of the court's order or any modification of the order by the court. If the court does not order full payment for representation under RSA 604-A, the commissioner of administrative services or his designee shall perform an investigation to determine the defendant's present financial condition and his ability to make repayment and may petition the court for a new repayment order at any time within 6 years from the date of the original order.
   I-c. In a case where counsel has been appointed, the defendant shall be required to notify the clerk of the court and the office of cost containment of each change of mail address and actual street address. Whenever notice to the defendant is required, notice to the last mail address on file shall be deemed notice to and binding on the defendant.
   II. All petitions for court appointed counsel shall bear the following words in capital letters:
   III. If any repayment ordered pursuant to paragraph I becomes overdue, the court having originally appointed counsel may order any employer of a former defendant to deduct from that person's wages or salary the appropriate amount due and to pay such amount to the appropriate department as determined under paragraph I, which shall refund such amount to the state, provided that no money, rights, or credits listed in RSA 512:21 shall be subject to deduction.
   IV. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any defendant whose sentence does not include actual incarceration in the state prison and who has had counsel or a public defender assigned to him at the expense of the state and who, as part of his sentence, is placed on probation or sentenced to a period of conditional discharge shall be required as a condition of such probation or conditional discharge to reimburse the state for all fees and expenses paid on his behalf in accordance with the terms of any order entered pursuant to paragraph I.
   V. If the defendant is incarcerated in the state prison, orders for repayment, pursuant to paragraph I may be suspended until the time of the defendant's release. The adult parole board may make repayment of any order for repayment a condition of parole or early release. If the defendant has not been ordered to repay the state for expenses incurred on the defendant's behalf, at any time within 6 years of the time the defendant is released from the state prison the state may petition the superior court for repayment, and upon such petition the superior court shall order repayment unless the court finds the defendant is unable to comply with the terms of any order for repayment.
   VI. At any time within 6 years of the disposition of an action in which the court finds at the time of disposition or thereafter that the defendant is not able to make payments to the state as provided in paragraph I, the state may petition the court for an order of repayment. The court shall order such repayment in whole or in partial payments, unless the court finds the defendant is unable to pay, in whole or in partial payments, the amounts paid on his behalf for fees and expenses pursuant to this chapter. Notice of each such order shall be forwarded to the commissioner of administrative services.
   VII. The commissioner of administrative services, with the approval of governor and council, is authorized to enter into contracts to secure the repayment of fees and expenses paid by the state as provided for in this section. Any person or entity with whom the commissioner so contracts may bring any legal or equitable action authorized by law, including any petition authorized by this section, to secure an order for repayment, or repayment pursuant to any order, of fees and expenses paid by the state which are recoverable by the state under this section. The contract or contracts authorized by this paragraph may include provisions by which the contractor may, as consideration in whole or in part for services, receive a percentage of the amounts recovered on behalf of the state.
Source. 1969, 475:1. 1973, 370:24. 1981, 568:20, VI. 1983, 201:1. 1985, 342:3. 1987, 406:14-16. 1989, 345:7-10. 1991, 135:1, 2. 1992, 284:84. 1994, 288:1. 1995, 156:1-3, eff. July 1, 1995.