Section 594:14 Summons Instead of Arrest.
   I. In any case in which it is lawful for a peace officer to arrest without a warrant a person for a misdemeanor or violation, he may instead issue to him in hand a written summons in substantially the following form:
The State of New Hampshire
To ...........................................................................
You are hereby notified to appear before the .......... district (municipal) court of the State of New Hampshire, to be holden on the .......... day of .......... 19 .......... at .......... o'clock in the forenoon (afternoon) to answer to a complaint (to be filed in said court) charging you with .......... in violation of the laws of the State of New Hampshire.
Hereof fail not, as you will answer your default under the penalty of the law in that behalf made and provided.
[Note: The following TABLE/FORM is too wide to be displayed on one screen. You must print it for a meaningful review of its contents. The table has been divided into multiple pieces with each piece containing information to help you assemble a printout of the table. The information for each piece includes: (1) a three line message preceding the tabular data showing by line # and character # the position of the upper left-hand corner of the piece and the position of the piece within the entire table; and (2) a numeric scale following the tabular data displaying the character positions.]
*************************************************************************************** This is piece 1. -- It begins at character 1 of table line 1. ***************************************************************************************Dated at ........................................................................... the ... day of ... 19.. 1...+...10....+...20....+...30....+...40....+...50....+...60....+...70....+....************************************************************************************** This is piece 2. -- It begins at character 80 of table line 1. *************************************************************************************** ........................................................................... Name ........................................................................... Title 80..+...90....+....0....+...10....+...20....+...30....+...40....+...50....+..
   Upon failure to appear, a warrant of arrest may issue. Any person who fails to appear in answer to such summons shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
   II. A summons may be issued after an arrest for a misdemeanor or violation in lieu of bail.
Source. 1941, 163:9. RL 423:28. RSA 594:14. 1965, 38:1. 1977, 588:11. 1983, 347:1, eff. Aug. 17, 1983.