Section 512:40 Bond.
A defendant whose rights, credits or other things are attached upon trustee process may apply to the court for a release of the attachment. The court, after reasonable notice to the parties, may order the petitioner to give to the plaintiff a sufficient bond, conditioned to pay the plaintiff within 30 days after judgment any sum and the value of any specific articles with which the trustee is chargeable, not exceeding the amount of the plaintiff's judgment. The giving of such bond shall operate as a release of the attachment. The value of such specific articles shall be estimated by the court, or under its direction.
Source. GS 230:37. GL 249:31. 1879, 57:35. PS 245:39. PL 356:39. RL 412:40. RSA 512:40. 1967, 132:26, eff. July 18, 1967.