Section 512:20 Charging Trustee.
Upon the filing of trustee disclosure not objected to within 60 days of filing, or, upon the court's decision following an evidentiary hearing on the trustee's chargeability, the court shall charge the trustee for any money, goods, chattels, rights, or credits of the defendant in the trustee's possession at the time of the service of the writ and not exempted from trustee process, or subject to any reductions for account fees, amounts alleged or determined not to belong to the defendant or other priority claims to defendant's money, goods, chattels, rights, or credits.
Source. RS 208:19. CS 221:19. GS 230:28, 31. GL 249:22, 25. PS 245:19. PL 356:19. RL 412:20. 2000, 257:8, eff. Jan. 1, 2001.