Section 494-A:7 Disqualification.
   I. No member shall participate in any proceeding before the commission involving his or her conduct or in which he or she is a witness or is otherwise involved.
   II. No member shall participate in any proceeding in which his or her impartiality might reasonably be questioned.
   III. If a member is disqualified under this section, the commission may vote to name an alternate in his or her place.
   IV. If the entire commission is disqualified under this section, the appointing authorities under RSA 494-A:4 shall name alternates.
RSA 494-A has been held unconstitutional in the case of %4AhIn re Petition of New Hampshire Bar Ass'n (2004) 151 N.H. 112, 855 A.2d 450.%4Ah%4Ag2004581389;;;855;162;450%4Ag
Source. 2001, 267:3, eff. July 1, 2001. 2002, 250:12, eff. May 17, 2002.