Section 494-A:17 Staff and Facilities.
   I. The executive director shall, with the approval of the commission, hire staff, which may include attorneys, investigators, and clerks, as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the commission. The executive director may contract for such temporary professional, administrative, and clerical services as deemed necessary by the commission. Full-time staff shall be nonclassified personnel who shall be entitled to state employee benefits.
   II. The commission shall select office space, which shall be as independent as possible from other facilities of any branch of government.
RSA 494-A has been held unconstitutional in the case of %4AhIn re Petition of New Hampshire Bar Ass'n (2004) 151 N.H. 112, 855 A.2d 450.%4Ah%4Ag2004581389;;;855;162;450%4Ag
Source. 2001, 267:3, eff. July 1, 2001.