Section 483:15 Rivers Designated for Protection.
The following rivers and river segments are designated as protected:
   I. Lamprey River--main stem from the Epping-Lee town line to the Durham-Newmarket town line as a ""rural river.'' Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the department of environmental services shall not approve the use of flashboards under RSA 482:29 to increase the height of any existing dam within this segment of the Lamprey River.
   II. Merrimack River--main stem from the Bedford-Merrimack town line to the New Hampshire-Massachusetts state line as a ""community river.'' Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit complete capacity utilization, not to exceed 30 million gallons per day, or any construction or repairs required to achieve such utilization of the existing intake facilities of Pennichuck Water Works situated on the western bank of the Merrimack River in the vicinity of Chase Brook, so-called. This paragraph shall not affect any private right in the Merrimack River and shall not relieve Pennichuck Water Works, or its successors and assigns, from compliance with other laws or rules under the state's police power.
   III. Merrimack River--main stem from the confluence of the Winnipesaukee and Pemigewasset Rivers in the city of Franklin to Garvins Falls in the town of Bow as a ""rural river.''
   IV. Saco River--main stem from the base of Saco Lake dam to the southern boundary of Crawford Notch State Park as a ""natural river'' and from the southern boundary of Crawford Notch State Park to the New Hampshire-Maine state line as a ""rural river.'' Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the normal repair or maintenance of the Willey House dam in Crawford Notch State Park.
   V. Swift River--main stem from its headwaters to the Albany-Conway town line as a ""natural river'' and from the Albany-Conway town line to its confluence with the Saco River in Conway as a ""rural river.''
   VI. Pemigewasset River:
      (a) As a natural river from the outlet of Profile Lake in Franconia to the southern boundary of Franconia Notch State Park.
      (b) As a rural river from the Holderness-Ashland town line to the Franklin Falls flood control dam.
      (c) As a rural-community river from the northernmost Thornton town line to the I-93 bridge in Plymouth.
      (d) As a community river:
         (1) From the I-93 bridge in Plymouth to the Holderness-Ashland town line.
         (2) From the Franklin Falls flood control dam to its confluence with the Merrimack River.
   VII. (a) Contoocook River--main stem:
         (1) As a ""rural river'':
            (A) From the Old Sharon Road bridge in Jaffrey to Noone Falls dam in Peterborough.
            (B) From the North Peterborough dam to the monument on the Peterborough-Hancock town line.
            (C) From the North Bennington Road bridge in Antrim and Bennington to the confluence of the north branch of the Contoocook River in Hillsborough.
            (D) From the Hosiery Mill dam in Hillsborough to the twin iron bridges in West Henniker.
            (E) From the Henniker-Hopkinton town line to the Riverhill bridge in Penacook.
         (2) As a ""community river'':
            (A) From the outlet of Poole Pond in Rindge to Old Sharon Road bridge in Jaffrey.
            (B) From the Noone Falls dam in Peterborough to North Peterborough dam.
            (C) From the monument on the Peterborough-Hancock town line to the North Bennington Road bridge in Antrim and Bennington.
            (D) From the confluence of the north branch of the Contoocook River in Hillsborough to the Hosiery Mill dam in Hillsborough.
            (E) From the twin iron bridges in West Henniker to the Henniker-Hopkinton town line.
            (F) From the Riverhill bridge in Penacook to the confluence with the Merrimack River.
      (b) Contoocook River--north branch:
         (1) As a ""rural river,'' from the outlet of Rye Pond in Stoddard to the outlet of Franklin Pierce Lake.
         (2) As a ""community river,'' from the outlet of Franklin Pierce Lake to the confluence of the Contoocook River.
   VIII. Connecticut River:
      (a) As a rural river from the outlet of the Fourth Connecticut Lake to a point .3 miles above the Second Connecticut Lake Dam.
      (b) As a community river from the point above the Second Connecticut Lake Dam to a point .3 miles below the Second Connecticut Lake Dam.
      (c) As a rural river from the point below the Second Connecticut Lake Dam to a point .3 miles above the First Connecticut Lake Dam.
      (d) As a community river from the point above the First Connecticut Lake Dam to a point .3 miles below the First Connecticut Lake Dam.
      (e) As a rural river from the point below the First Connecticut Lake Dam to a point .3 miles above Murphy Dam.
      (f) As a community river from the point above the Murphy Dam to a point 2 miles below the Murphy Dam.
      (g) As a rural river from the point 2 miles below the Murphy Dam to Bishop Brook in Stewartstown.
      (h) As a community river from Bishop Brook to Leach Creek in Canaan, Vermont.
      (i) As a rural river from Leach Creek to the confluence with the Mohawk River.
      (j) As a rural community river from the confluence with the Mohawk River to the Columbia-Colebrook town line.
      (k) As a rural river from the Columbia-Colebrook town line to Wheeler Stream in Brunswick, Vermont.
      (l) As a natural river from Wheeler Stream to the Maidstone-Stratford Bridge.
      (m) As a rural river from the Maidstone-Stratford Bridge to a point one mile above the breached Wyoming Valley Dam in Northumberland.
      (n) As a community river from one mile above the breached Wyoming Valley Dam site to a point one mile below the Wyoming Valley Dam Site.
      (o) As a rural river from one mile below the breached Wyoming Valley Dam site to a point .3 miles above the Simpson Paper Company Dam.
      (p) As a community river from the point above the Simpson Paper Company Dam to .3 miles below the Simpson Paper Company.
      (q) As a rural river from the point below the Simpson Paper Company Dam to .4 miles above the Moore Dam.
      (r) As a community river from the point above the Moore Dam to a point .6 miles below the Moore Dam.
      (s) As a rural river from the point below Moore Dam to a point .3 miles above the Comerford Dam.
      (t) As a community river from the point above the Comerford Dam to a point .2 miles below McIndoes Falls Dam.
      (u) As a rural river from the point below the McIndoes Falls Dam to a point .3 miles above the Ryegate Dam.
      (v) As a community river from the point above the Ryegate Dam to a point .2 miles below the Ryegate Dam.
      (w) As a rural river from the point below the Ryegate Dam to the Ammonoosuc River in Bath.
      (x) As a community river from the Ammonoosuc River to the point where routes 135 and 10 meet in Haverhill.
      (y) As a rural river from the intersection of routes 135 and 10 to Storrs Pond Brook in Hanover.
      (z) As a rural-community river from Storrs Pond Brook to Dothan Brook outlet in Hartford, Vermont.
      (aa) As a community river from the Dothan Brook to .3 miles below the Wilder Dam.
      (bb) As a rural-community river from the point below the Wilder Dam to the Lebanon-Plainfield town line.
      (cc) As a rural river from the Lebanon-Plainfield town line to the Blow-Me-Down Brook in Cornish.
      (dd) As a rural-community river from the Blow-Me-Down Brook to the northern end of Chase Island in Cornish.
      (ee) As a rural river from the north end of Chase Island to the southern side of the Williams River in Bellows Falls, Vermont.
      (ff) As a community river from the southern side of the Williams River to the Saxtons River in Westminster, Vermont.
      (gg) As a rural-community river from the Saxtons River to the bridge between Westminster Station and Walpole.
      (hh) As a rural river from the bridge at Westminster Station to the Brattleboro-Dummerston, Vermont town line.
      (ii) As a rural-community river from the Brattleboro-Dummerston, Vermont town line to Sprague Brook.
      (jj) As a community river from Sprague Brook to a point .3 miles below the Vernon Dam.
      (kk) As a rural river from the point below the Vernon Dam to the Massachusetts border.
   IX. Ashuelot River:
      (a) As a natural river from the dam at Butterfield Pond to and including the falls above Ashuelot Pond.
      (b) As a rural river from the falls above Ashuelot Pond to Symondsville Road in Marlow.
      (c) As a community river from Symondsville Road in Marlow to the Audio Accessories dam.
      (d) As a rural river from below the Audio Accessories dam in Marlow up to the breached Blackstock dam located above the town of Gilsum.
      (e) As a community river from the breached Blackstock dam above the town of Gilsum to the stone arch bridge in Gilsum.
      (f) As a rural river from the stone arch bridge in Gilsum to the Court Street bridge in Keene.
      (g) As a community river from the Court Street bridge in Keene to the Branch River in Keene.
      (h) As a rural river from the Branch River in Keene to the unnamed brook entering on the west bank near the intersection of Winchester Street and route 10 in West Swanzey.
      (i) As a community river from the unnamed brook on the west bank near the intersection of Winchester Street and route 10 in West Swanzey to the Denman Thompson Bridge.
      (j) As a rural river from the Denman Thompson Bridge in West Swanzey to and including the oxbow on the west bank before the A.C. Lawrence building in Winchester.
      (k) As a community river from the oxbow on the west bank before the A.C. Lawrence building in Winchester to the route 119 bridge.
      (l) As a rural river from the route 119 bridge in Winchester to the Winchester dam owned by G.E. Robertson and Company in Hinsdale.
      (m) As a community river from the Winchester dam owned by G.E. Robertson and Company in Hinsdale to the route 63 bridge.
      (n) As a rural river from the route 63 bridge in Hinsdale to the mouth of the Ashuelot River at the Connecticut River.
   X. (a) Piscataquog River--north branch:
         (1) As a natural river from the outlet of Deering Lake Dam in Deering, 6.25 miles to the Abijah bridge in Weare.
         (2) As a rural river:
            (A) From the outlet of Lake Horace Dam in Weare, 8 miles to the Everett Dam flowage in Weare.
            (B) From the outlet of Everett Dam in Weare, 8 miles to the river's convergence point with the south branch.
      (b) Piscataquog River--middle branch. As a natural river from the natural outlet of Scobie Pond in Francestown to the inlet of the upper cranberry bog at the New Boston town line, approximately 11.5 miles to its mouth in New Boston.
      (c) Piscataquog River--south branch:
         (1) As a natural river from the outlet of Pleasant Pond in Francestown, 11.5 miles to New Hampshire Route 13 in New Boston.
         (2) As a rural river from New Hampshire Route 13 in New Boston, 7 miles to the confluence with the north branch.
         (3) As a rural-community river from the confluence with the north branch, 1.7 miles to New Hampshire Route 114 in Goffstown.
         (4) As a community river from New Hampshire Route 114 in Goffstown, 1 mile to the Gregg Dam in Goffstown.
         (5) As a rural-community river from the Gregg Dam in Goffstown, 6.9 miles to the river's mouth at Bass Island in Manchester.
   XI. Exeter River. As a ""rural river'' from its headwaters at the route 102 bridge in Chester 29.7 miles to its confluence with Great Brook in Exeter.
   XII. Cold River:
      (a) As a rural river from the outlet of Crescent Lake Dam in Acworth, 20.3 miles to the most downstream crossing of the Langdon-Walpole town line.
      (b) As a community river from the most downstream crossing of the Langdon-Walpole town line, 2.1 miles to its confluence with the Connecticut River in Walpole.
   XIII. Souhegan River:
      (a) As a rural-community river from the confluence of its south and west branches in New Ipswich to a point 0.5 miles above the Otis Dam in Greenville.
      (b) As a community river from the point 0.5 miles above the Otis Dam in Greenville to a point 0.5 miles below the Otis Dam.
      (c) As a rural river from the point 0.5 miles below the Otis Dam to the Label Arts Dam located approximately 0.3 miles above the confluence with Stony Brook in Wilton.
      (d) As a community river from the Label Arts Dam to the Wilton Road bridge near the Pine Valley Mill in west Milford.
      (e) As a rural-community river from the Wilton Road bridge to a point 0.5 miles above the route 13 bridge in Milford.
      (f) As a community river from the point 0.5 miles above the route 13 bridge to a point 0.5 miles below the route 13 bridge.
      (g) As a rural river from the point 0.5 miles below the route 13 bridge to the Everett Turnpike bridge in Merrimack.
      (h) As a community river from the Everett Turnpike Bridge to the confluence with the Merrimack River in Merrimack.
   XIV. Isinglass River:
      (a) As a rural river from the outflow of Bow Lake Dam in Strafford, 0.54 miles to immediately downstream of the route 202A bridge.
      (b) As a natural river from immediately downstream of the Route 202A bridge in Strafford, 5.75 miles to immediately upstream of the route 126 bridge in Barrington.
      (c) As a rural river from immediately upstream of the route 126 bridge in Barrington, 11.64 miles to its confluence with the Cocheco River in Rochester.
   XV. Ammonoosuc River:
      (a) As a natural river from the Lakes of the Clouds in Sargents Purchase to a point 1.33 miles upstream of Upper Falls in Crawfords Purchase.
      (b) As a rural community river from a point 1.33 miles upstream of Upper Falls in Crawfords Purchase to the White Mountain National Forest boundary near Lower Falls in the town of Carroll.
      (c) As a rural river from the White Mountain National Forest boundary near Lower Falls in Carroll to the Bethlehem-Littleton town line.
      (d) As a community river from the Bethlehem-Littleton town line to the Littleton-Lisbon town line.
      (e) As a rural-community river from the Littleton-Lisbon town line to the confluence with Pearl Lake Brook in Lisbon.
      (f) As a community river from the confluence with the Pearl Lake Brook in Lisbon to the Lisbon-Landaff-Bath town line.
      (g) As a rural-community river from the Lisbon-Landaff- Bath town line to a point 0.9 miles above the covered bridge in Bath.
      (h) As a community river from the point 0.9 above the covered bridge in Bath to the confluence with Simonds Brook in Bath.
      (i) As a rural-community river from the confluence with Simonds Brook in Bath to the confluence with Burton Brook in Bath.
      (j) As a community river from the confluence with Burton Brook in Bath to the confluence with the Connecticut River in Haverhill.
   XVI. Cocheco River:
      (a) As a natural river from the Cocheco River headwaters at the outlet of March's Pond in New Durham to Spring Street crossing in Farmington.
      (b) As a community river from Spring Street crossing in Farmington to 0.7 miles south of the Cocheco Road Bridge north of Route 11 in Farmington.
      (c) As a rural-community river from south of the Cocheco Road Bridge north of Route 11 in Farmington to Little Falls Bridge crossing in Rochester.
      (d) As a community river from Little Falls Bridge crossing in Rochester to England Road in Rochester.
      (e) As a rural-community river from England Road in Rochester to Whittier Street crossing in Dover.
      (f) As a community river from Whittier Street crossing in Dover to head of tide at Central Ave dam in Dover.
Source. 1990, 233:15. 1991, 338:1. 1992, 261:1, 6, 7. 1993, 47:1; 132:1. 1995, 219:5. 1996, 228:108. 1999, 64:1. 2000, 27:1, eff. May 28, 2000. 2002, 75:1, eff. June 30, 2002. 2007, 66:1, eff. Aug. 10, 2007. 2009, 45:1, eff. July 21, 2009; 208:1, eff. Sept. 13, 2009.