Section 33:8-d Procedures for Authorizing Bonds or Notes in Municipalities Adopting Charters Pursuant to RSA 49-B, Without a Budgetary Town Meeting.

   I. The town council of any town which has adopted a charter pursuant to RSA 49-B, and which has chosen the procedures as set forth in this section, shall have the authority to issue bonds or notes, as follows:
      (a) At least one public hearing shall be held at least 15 days, but not more than 60 days, prior to the vote on the bond issue or note. Notice of the time, place and subject matter of such hearings shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality at least 7 days before the hearing is held and posted in at least 2 public places in the municipality.
      (b) The issuance of any bonds or notes shall appear as an agenda item on the public agenda of the town council meeting at which any vote is scheduled to be taken and any action taken on such item shall be by a recorded roll call vote.
      (c) A 2/3 majority vote of the town council shall be required to authorize the issuance of bonds or notes.
      (d) The authority of the town council to issue bonds or notes pursuant to this paragraph is limited to an amount not in excess of 10 percent of the town's operating budget for the most recently concluded fiscal year.
   II. In the event that a proposed bond issue or note is in excess of 10 percent of the town's operating budget for the most recently concluded fiscal year, a referendum shall be held on said issuance, as follows:
      (a) The town council shall, after notice and public hearing at a regularly scheduled council meeting, order a referendum on the issuance to be held on the Tuesday not less than 60 nor more than 67 days from the regular meeting at which the order is passed.
      (b) The town council shall hold at least one additional public hearing on the proposed bond or note after the issuance of its order for a referendum. The hearing shall be held at least 30 days, but not more than 60 days, prior to the referendum.
      (c) The same notice requirements for public hearings on issuance of bonds or notes by vote of the town council shall apply to public hearings on bonds or notes to be authorized by referendum.
      (d) An additional public hearing shall be held if the proposed bond or note issue is substantively altered by the town council after public hearing. Subsequent public hearings shall be held at least 14 days after the prior public hearing and shall comply with the same notice requirements.
      (e) An official copy of the final bond or note proposal shall be placed on file with the town clerk and made available to the public 7 days before the referendum and displayed at the voting place on the day of the referendum.
      (f) The town clerk shall prepare an official ballot which shall include the following question:
         ""Are you in favor of appropriating the sum of $__________ for the purpose of __________, with said sum to be in addition to any federal, state or private funds made available therefor, and of authorizing the issuance of not more than $__________ of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the municipal finance act, RSA Chapter 33?''
When submitting the question under this section to the voters, there shall be 2 squares printed after the question, one with the word ""yes'' beside it and another with the word ""no'' beside it.
      (g) If a 2/3 majority of the voters present and voting on the issuance of bonds or notes shall vote in the affirmative, the appropriation and issuance of bonds or notes in the amounts so stated in the question shall be declared to have been adopted.
   III. The issuance of tax anticipation notes shall be authorized by a majority vote of the town council.
   IV. This section shall not apply to towns which have adopted a charter calling for a budgetary town meeting pursuant to RSA 49-D:3, III. The issuance of bonds or notes in such towns shall be governed by RSA 33:7, 33:8 and 33:8-a.

Source. 1991, 304:2. 1993, 176:5. 1994, 87:1, eff. July 5, 1994.